"To Dance Beneath the Diamond Sky with One Hand Waving Free, Silhouetted by the Sea..."

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Phil Ochs

Can't stop listening to Phil Ochs lately. What a pure, passionate voice. It's also great to listen to a topical writer who wasn't afraid to be a topical writer. He did not strive to be timeless. He was in his time, of his time, and a total pioneer of the protest singer/songwriter part of the folk revival, and completely synonymous with the zeitgeist of the 60s.

I love his vibrato tenor, I really like his guitar (he wasn't just a "strummer", but an innovative stylist). And "There But For Fortune" is one of the best songs of its time--or any time, because it is thematic, not just topical, and relevant, even now. Too bad Joan Baez had to cover it; she did the same for that song as she did for "Dixie."

Dave Van Ronk described Ochs so vividly and his sartorial style--or lack thereof--obviously is from the Rick Danko School of Fashion. Van Ronk said that he wore these things that "used to be suits" until they were so threadbare and shiny, you could look in their reflection to shave when Ochs stood still. I thought that was cute and made him all the more vulnerable. I love the fact that he got a gold lame' Nudie suit in the least likely era--in between Hippiedom and Bubblegum.

Ochs descended into mental illness and alcoholism, as so many artistic, sensitive souls have done. Sadly, he was too sensitive for the world as it was and took his own life. Thankfully, we have his songs and his wonderful voice. I hope people continue to discover him.


People Are Leaving said...

First off, I wanted to say how much I love your blog, comments, insight, and your love of 'The Band'. Just lovely. As for Mr Ochs, I read sometime ago, that Dylan's 'Positively 4th St' was written specifically about Phil Ochs. What are your thoughts ? I'm a soon-to-be 48 year old father w/two daughters and an extreme love of music.

Thanks for all the highs.

Carol Caffin said...

Thanks so much for the nice comments; I really appreciate them. I also have heard that about the song, but I don't know; I can see it being about Farina before I can see it being about Phil, but that is total speculation.

I do know that Dylan and Phil Ochs had a bit of a love-hate relationship and, this is probably not the popular view but I think Zimmy may have been a little jealous of Ochs' talents early on. From everything I know, Dylan had a lot of insecurities and there were many rivalries in the early days, before his title as the Golden Child was cemented. Sonny Ochs is not a Bob Dylan fan, and seems to think her brother was tormented unduly by Dylan. As much as I love Dylan, I know he has that cutting side--but I just can't see Ochs eliciting that kind of scathing venom.

Wouldn't it be funny if he just made it up completely? How's that for a wishy-washy answer :-)

Anyway, thanks for reading and a happy soon-to-be birthday!