"To Dance Beneath the Diamond Sky with One Hand Waving Free, Silhouetted by the Sea..."

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I'd Rather Have the Glass Ceiling

I should start by saying that I rarely follow politics. When the dunce who watches cartoons in the Oval Office was re-elected for a second term, that was the end of my giving politics even a passing nod.

That said, am I dreaming, or is Sarah Palin seriously a contender for Vice President of this country? You know how sometimes you have a bad dream that seems so realistic, you don't realize it's a dream, and then you suddenly wake up? This is one of those, right?

Okay, I could, if I had to, deal with Thomas Kinkade "paintings" in the White House. I mean, there's no accounting for personal taste and I guess it's a step up from the Disney characters that adorn the walls now.

But from the moment I saw this woman, she rubbed me the wrong way. I had a very deep "uh-oh" reaction. And, as I sometimes do when I get an initial bad gut reaction, I second-guessed myself. Maybe it's just the rimless glasses and the 50s updo that's skewed my intuition. "I don't like her," is not fair. It's not warranted. I knew nothing about her. I had to delve deeper.

I've been trying to really read, and listen, and watch. Forget style: where are these candidates on the issues? What are they going to do for this country? I watched Palin's interview with Charles Gibson. I could not believe what was unfolding before my eyes. She didn't know what "Bush doctrine" meant. Okay, that was a red flag, but it wasn't the end of the world. I thought I heard her say "nuke-you-lar," but that's just a mental block, or maybe a tic. There are some things that are out of our control.

I watched more. I could not believe the naive, uninformed, and downright stupid answers coming out of this woman's mouth. You know how sometimes you just assume that other people know something that you don't? Sometimes something sounds ridiculous to you, so you think it has to be you who is uninformed. I mean, she's a vice presidential candidate, so she has to know something, right? Wrong.

I'd like to thank both Barack Obama and John McCain for single-handedly (or double-handedly) setting women back 100 years, Obama by not choosing the intelligent, experienced, sophisticated Hil as his running mate and McCain by plucking this dowdy moose-hunting school marm from the Last Frontier, sticking her in a $50 polyester suit from Lerner's, and thrusting her into the national political arena. If this is the bone being thrown to women, I'd rather do without. We need strong, experienced, intelligent leadership in this country, not tokens, gestures, and marketing ploys.

Isn't our great country enough of an international laughingstock?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My anger has gotten the best of me lately when Sarah Palin's name enters into conversation, especially when I'm talking to a woman -- how could even a conservative woman be so blind? I don't get it. And whatever happened to the idea of electing someone intelligent to run this country as opposed to choosing the guy/girl you would most like to go hunting with? People are nuts. It's just all so absurd and if you think about it too long or too hard, it could quite possibly cause your head explode.