"To Dance Beneath the Diamond Sky with One Hand Waving Free, Silhouetted by the Sea..."

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Don't Wink at Me, Lady!

If there has ever been an incentive to get out and VOTE, it is the prospect of this chick in the White House. I had to take an extra Prevacid after watching the vice presidential debate. Between the winks and the flirty gestures and the hockey mom comments and the "Joe Six Pack" remark (gag me fucking NOW!!), she still managed to say a whole lotta nothing.

She did have a lot of facts and figures at the ready (many of which were erroneous if not irrelevant) and she spared us from telling us yet again that she can see Russia from her state, but she did not say one damn thing of any substance. We know the American people are "strong" and that this land is "great" and that the American "work force is the greatest in this world." I can hear all of that in a Woody Guthrie song, and at least enjoy the music.

Tell us something we don't know. Tell us how we are going to get out of the mess we're in. Tell us HOW--not just THAT--the McCain administration is going to repair the economy.

This country has enough hockey moms--not that there's anything wrong with hockey moms. In fact, there are many in my own neighborhood--and all of them are smarter than Sarah Palin (take out the "l" and what do you have?) I, for one, don't particularly want a hockey mom in the White House--unless that hockey mom happens know how to run the country. She's not running for the office of president of the PTA at Gladys Wood Elementary School in Anchorage, for which she's clearly under-qualified. She is an actual contender for second in command of this country; I mean, she may have to fill in for the President in a pinch.

Now that Sarah Palin has asked her handlers which newsapers and magazines she reads, so that she can answer the questions of the fluffiest of reporters (Katie Couric?? I wonder how she would have fared against Walter Cronkite), maybe she can work on learning that when she's asked about the state of affairs in Georgia, the question is not referring to what's happening in the Peach State.


Anonymous said...

I'm trying to picture Hillary up on that stage grinning and winking and golly-gee'iing (hmmmm....sorry, rick). What a joke she was. And yet the political pundits on Fox continue to gush (yuck)all over her. If this election isn't a landslide for democrats, by golly - I'll eat joe six-pack's daggone gym shorts.

Carol Caffin said...

As Gloria Steinem so eloquently--and correctly--stated, the only thing Palin shares with Hillary is a chromosome. I am not a big Hillary fan, but Palin can't count high enough to reach the numerical difference between their IQs.