"To Dance Beneath the Diamond Sky with One Hand Waving Free, Silhouetted by the Sea..."

Monday, April 13, 2009

I Never Got to Feed My Baby

It is a mother's most primal instinct--
to feed and nourish, to nurture her baby.
To give her baby food, sustenance
as she has given her baby life.
I never got to feed my baby.
I was swollen and sore,
aching for her to latch on.
But she was lifeless.
Cold and lifeless.
Lifeless little beautiful Snow White angel
with slender fingers and little bow lips.

The report said "Stomach conents: empty."
That was the final blow.

1 comment:

Annie said...

This is so heartbreaking. My mother had a still born baby and 57yrs later still grieves. It never goes away. They never let her see the baby and that still haunts her. I guess they thought they were helping but it didn't help.

I know nothing can make you feel better I just wanted to say I'm sorry for both you and your little girl.