"To Dance Beneath the Diamond Sky with One Hand Waving Free, Silhouetted by the Sea..."

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Elder Abuse: An Unspeakable Crime

I've always had a thing for elderly people. As I write that, I see that it is a sweeping, somewhat immature statement and, now that I am myself middle-aged, I feel comfortable saying that not all elders are good or kind or wise--and not all warrant love and admiration.

But generally speaking, I've always felt a kinship with my elders and I feel that elders should be afforded respect, the type of respect and dignified care they are given in countries far older than the United States. I think it is the duty of younger people to take care of their elders--it is, in my opinion, the natural order of things. But perhaps I'm old-fashioned, or maybe I have a special appreciation because my parents and grandparents are no longer here to give me the kind of love, support, advice, and comfort only an elder can give.

In any case, I read the other day of two young women--a term I use loosely, as "degenerates" seems more apt--who abused vulnerable Alzheimers' patients, elders they were supposed to be caring for as nursing home aides, in the meanest, most despicable ways: by spitting at them, hitting them, taunting them just for fun, touching them inappropriately, and poking them. It made my heart ache. And it made me really mad.

What will these horrible creatures tell their children, if and when they find men who are willing to bring kids into the world with such vile, cold-hearted excuses for human beings? What will they say when their daughtersask, "Mommy, what did you do when you were a teenger?" I can only imagine the pain and anger of the families of the victims, but thank God no one was hurt or killed. How could anyone do something so cruel? And why? What possible reason could anyone have to be so ruthless?

I hope these two women are punished in a way that will keep this from ever happening to another vulnerable person, but I'm sure they'll receive a slap on the wrist, because today's morals and values are very screwed up. How do they look at their hateful reflections in the mirror, knowing what they did to somebody else's parents and grandparents? I hope they never have to go through the agony of watching an aging parent or grandparent suffer from Alzheimers or any other disease. And I hope that they turn their lives around and develop compassion. It is never too late. Maybe, at some point, they will do some good in the world. If not, Karma will take care of them.

For more about this unspeakable crime, click here:How Can Anyone Be So Cruel?

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